Tuesday, May 15, 2007

He called her a billion times.
She never picked up.

He wrote her a million letters.
She burnt them all.

He sent her a thousand bouquets.
They withered away unnoticed.

He sang a hundred songs.. all with her in mind.
She bought earplugs.

He proposed a dozen times.
She set the dogs on him.

He smiled at another girl... just once
She brought hell on Earth..

Makes you wonder.



Anonymous said...

that was plain stupid!

- Ubiquitous - said...

Awww. :)

Babska said...

D rise above cliches!

shruti said...

i'm wondering...maybe its just the deadly combination of chocolate, heat and misogynist lyrics.

no seriously, whats the matter?

the_ego_has_landed said...

hahahha I know.. I agree.. I get like that too.. even tho I'm a woman!

common thats the fun of things tho ;P

clueless comrades said...

ub~ I know!

Babs~ I strive to sink..

Shruts~ Yeah!!

ego~ Finally, a woman who sees it for wht it is!

Ragini said...


What a pity you generalise so much.