Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jack saw Jill at a bar, it was love at first sight.

A couple of Jagermeisters later, he finally summoned up the courage to talk to her. She was smart, funny and the only person he had ever met who was also interested in Czech post-modernist art.

They decided to go this lovely place on top of Raising Hill to get a drink.

They were drunk.. it was a blind turn. The truck hit them on the side, sending their car careening off the cliff.

Jack broke 27 bones in his body, doctors refuse to comment on Jill's condition.

And those insensitive ba*tards turned it into a nursery rhyme!



shruti said...

Perhaps they were listening to "There is a light that never goes out" by my beloved Morrissey while driving up....

And if a ten-ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine

± said...

I always knew there was more to the story than a bucket of water... Now I see light.

Sujoy Bhattacharjee said...

There was a furore in Britan sometime ago about this particular rhyme...those who read between the lines indicated that the 'broke the crown' part of the rhyme suggested things not as innocent as fetching a pail of water.
I do like this version though, the post-modernist art and all :)

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